Pardus Navigation Resizer ScreenshotWhile you have the option to display the individual tiles in the navigation display at several sizes (64px, 96px and 128px depending on the image pack you use), there may be times where you want to use a different size.

The image shown here is a full 9×9 navigation display with the tile size set to 24px. It has been reproduced here without having been resized with an image editor.

Maybe you are using a small screen that prevents you from seeing all the entire navigation screen without scrolling.

This script changes the width and height of the tiles to allow for finer adjustment of the tile size. By default it will resize the navigation tiles to 48px by 48px.

If you wish to edit the userscript to show a different tile size, use a text editor and follow the simple instructions contained in the userscript itself.

Note – this script will work with partial refresh enabled or disabled.

Stop Attacking BuildingsIf you are a trader, the last thing you will want to do is attack or raid one of the buildings in the economy you are working in. With the placement of the Raid and Damage buttons, this can happen from time to time.

This script disables these buttons – so even if you do click them by accident, they will have no effect.

Because there is no mechanism to disable this script for a single universe, if you are attacking buildings elsewhere you will need to disable it until you are finished being destructive.

Message Notifier – Userscript

Pardus Message NotifierPlays a sound when the message notification icon is displayed in the message frame. The sound will continue to play each time the message frame refreshes and will only stop when the message notification icon is no longer present (after the message has been read).

This script is based closely on the Combat Notifier script from Takius Stargazer.

Combat Notifier – Userscript

Pardus Combat NotifierRepeatedly plays a sound when a combat notification icon is displayed in the message frame. The sound will only stop when the combat notification icon is no longer present (after the combat log has been read).

This script is based closely on the Combat Notifier script from Takius Stargazer.

Pardus Mini Mapper – Userscript

Pardus Mini Mapper ScreenshotShow a small map of the current sector in various locations on the navigation screen. Your current position is updated on the map as you move around.

As you place your mouse over any tile, the coordinates of the tile are shown at the top right of the Mini Mapper display.

When you place your mouse over wormhole tiles, a tooltip showing the destination sector is displayed. In the case of multiple wormholes in the same sector going to the same destination sector, the coordinates of the destination sector are also shown in the tooltip.

Pardus Mini Mapper Settings
Click the Preferences icon to adjust the location where the Mini Mapper is displayed and the size of the Mini Mapper tiles.

No data about your location is transmitted elsewhere – and all required data for the sector maps is included in the initial download of the userscript.

Note – this script will work with partial refresh enabled or disabled.

Advanced Combat Buttons ScreenshotThis script allows you to switch between Offensive, Balanced and Defensive combat modes without having to leave the navigation screen.

Buttons are displayed in the Status box on the main navigation screen and kept in sync regardless of whether you change modes in PvP, Buildings or NPC combat.

Once installed, visit the Advanced Skill Management page (via the Overview tab) to determine which buttons to show based on whether you have learned the appropriate skill.

Note – this script will work with partial refresh enabled or disabled.

Pardus Forum BlockerThis script attempts to block access to the Pardus Forums for those pilots who feel they are spending too long there or don’t want to see them at all.

It removes the tab in the main menu that links to the Forums and returns to the previous screen if a link is clicked to a thread in the Forums.

Once installed, do a full screen refresh to allow the script to update the main menu frame and remove the tab.

Pardus Roulette – Userscript

Changes all NPCs to appear as Space Maggots, pilot ships to show as Sabres and all buildings (including faction MOs and Starbases) as Space Farms. Not for the faint-hearted.

Pardus Roulette Screenshot

“Hello Space Maggot… oh… hello Preywinder!”

Of course, this is for entertainment purposes only – I do not recommend using it fulltime!

Note – this script will work with partial refresh enabled or disabled.

Pardus Freeze Frame – Userscript

Nav Screen Showing Padlock IconHave you ever broken your ambush by accidentally clicking somewhere or pressing a movement key? Maybe you have a cat that likes walking on the keyboard causing you to end up in open space without your knowledge!

Usually this is a mere inconvenience but depending on where you end up, it could prove deadly (hopefully not so for your cat).

This userscript prevents you from moving off your current tile either by a keypress or mouse click. A padlock shows beside the Commands section of the navigation screen to show whether movement is unlocked (the initial state after installation) or locked. Just click the padlock to toggle between the unlocked and locked states.

The Z-Series Fleet

Only found in the Neutral Zone, the Z-Series of NPCs remain the most effective NPCs outside of premium space to improve basic skills to well above trade-in levels.

The information collected here came from multiple sources including:

Like the Lucidi Squads, those of the Z-Series Fleet that move (Z15 Scout and the Z16 Fighter) tend to do so at predictable times – 7 times every hour at around 1 second past the minute).

Z-Series movement times (per hour): 08 :17 :26 :33 :41 :51 :59

Before you move within 1 tile or attempt to retreat from combat, make sure you check how many minutes past the hour you are currently at – and wait just a few seconds afterwards to ensure they haven’t been delayed by server load.
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