Archive for the ‘ Guide ’ Category

A typical hour of Pardus use can see you generate around 15 Mb of traffic. Most of this traffic is generated as you download images that are shown on the Navigation screen.

You could easily be downloading as much as 450 Mb every month… maybe more if you play in several universes!

Cutting down on the amount of traffic you are downloading will improve the overall responsiveness of Pardus, and if you have to pay for an expensive data plan – you might save enough for a Premium Pardus Account!

Attention! This guide has been tested and proven to work 100% properly using the Windows 7 and Mac OS X operating systems with Firefox 3.5x, Firefox 4.x and Firefox 5 browsers. No extra extensions or scripts are required to get Firefox to read local image pack files… just follow the steps.

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The Waistelands is growing a new economy and we need to encourage traders to trade our buildings while we are off skilling, ranking or otherwise “doing something else”.

Up until recently the prices used in our buildings were heavily focused on providing a high profit margin to the building owner.

This meant the trader did a lot of hard work, using up their APs every day – and didn’t get a huge return for their efforts.

Conversely, the building owner, like an absent landlord, made a very good return – taking the lion’s share of profits for no ongoing effort.

As a result we have always struggled to find regular and reliable traders for our sectors.

To encourage traders to our sectors the focus on profits has had to change. We need to ensure that traders have a reason to trade our buildings – and to trade them regularly and reliably.

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Once you have chosen the kind of building and it’s location, you will need to gather the necessary resources together and complete the initial building phase to take it to level 1 production with 100t of capacity.

For this initial building phase each building has different resources required – but they all need you to spend 500 APs to finish… so make sure you have enough APs available.
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Many pilots are satisfied with production level 6 or level 7 buildings – and many economies don’t require anything bigger. Pardus does allow you to increase the size of your buildings to go as large as you like (of course the cost to do so increases massively).

As you upgrade your building (adding capacity, production levels or even adding defense modules) you may find that you run into the “Upgrade Wall” and you have stop your upgrading until you have satisifed the requirements to continue.
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Why use EM armor for PvP combat?

When PvP (Player versus Player) combat is discussed, everyone seems to take it for granted that the best armor is EM (Electro-Magnetic) armor.

How can you choose which armor?

Armor is installed on ships to reduce the amount of damage done during combat. We need to investigate the amount of damage done using different armor and types of weapons to get a good answer.
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When attempting to eradicate a Locust Hive, take care to ensure you kill all the locusts before killing the Hive – and then do a final sweep to make sure that no more have spawned while you were killing.

If you leave any Locusts alive, then there is a good chance that a second Locust Hive will appear soon after the first was destroyed (which would be very annoying indeed – given the effort required to destroy them).

This information was passed on by Shine from Imperial Order of Olbea who has witnessed a Locust Hive returning, after they thought it had been destroyed, on two seperate occaisions now.

Electro-Magnetic Armor & Weapons

In experiments primarily involving Blue Crystals, scientists are continually uncovering new secrets about one of the universe’s most powerful forces – electro-magnetism (EM for short).

Armor and weapons based around this technology are only available at several remote EM-Tech Research Stations (whose locations are not generally public knowledge).

Our field operatives have recently completed their reports on these research stations and were able to supply accurate coordinates to each known station along with current prices.

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Organic Armor & Weapons

The active material for this class of equipment is mostly scooped and extracted from genetically engineered space maggots, worms and amoebas. As new organic NPCs are discovered and dissected, more is learned about how the materials react.

This cutting-edge research is ongoing at the unobtrusive Bio-Tech Research Stations located in quiet locations throughout the universe (and whose locations are not generally public knowledge).

Our field operatives have recently completed their reports on these research stations and were able to supply accurate coordinates to each known station along with current prices.

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Where do Famous Pirates live?

Known as The Unscrupulous by some, these Famous Pirates have risen to the top of their own class of nasty (usually by killing anyone in their way).

When dealing with Pirates – only trust the dead ones. Unfortunately these shady characters have surrounded themselves with like minded scum that unwittingly protect one another whilst keeping out of the public eye.

Newcomers be warned Famous Pirates are best left alone and avoided at all costs. Too hard to understand? Just take a look at the GNN News and count just how many victims have been claimed by a Famous Pirate – today alone.
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Overskilling, in a nutshell, means your experience is not high enough to support your awesomely high skill levels. You tend to end up Overskilled when you fight NPCs but you don’t complete the kill (so you don’t get any of the experience points).

When you are Overskilled, a small yellow “L” will appear next to the overskilled stat when your are viewing your “Stats” screen. It will disappear when you are no longer Overskilled in that particular skill.

Should you be Overskilled, then once a day, every day, each of those skills will drop a very small amount until eventually they are at a level that your experience can support. The amount they drop begins at something like 0.05 but increases a little at a time the further the skills are from the level which your experience can support.
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