Archive for January, 2013

A Guide to Hack Training

Hacking InformationThe Pardus Manual introduces the role of a Hacker:

In a highly developed universe almost all technical facilities are connected via networks and approachable via terminal stations. By infiltrating these systems, experienced computer pirates can steal valuable information and possibly sell it. This is called Hacking.

Hackers are very useful to help locate enemies and provide support to fighters especially in times of war. They are often the silent hero in a campaign – but can make a good income selling their services to the highest bidder.

Based on the Hack skill spreadsheet and Pardus Forums – Hack Knowledge Thread

What do I need to do to be a Hacker?

You need to improve your Hack skill to a point where you can hack information that will be of use to you. That point will vary for each hacker – driven by how much information they want to gather.

For example: a Skilled hack will show the current cluster of the pilot, a Freak hack will add the sector of the pilot, and a Guru hack will add their coordinates.

A Hacker with Hack skill of at least 50 is a good initial goal. Doing so with Hack efficiency Advanced Skill is useful if you want to be more AP efficient. Adding the Echo hack Advanced Skill is the next goal. The rest of a Hacker’s career can be spent improving their Hack skill to get better and better chances of success using the Guru hack.

The best way to improve your Hack skill is to hack a faction pilot while at the Blackmarket of a faction Planet or Starbase.

  • use Brute hack until Hack skill 25
  • use Skill hack from Hack skill 25 to 50
  • use Freak hack from Hack skill 50

Because of the risk of getting a faction bounty, EPS pilots are advised to use a different set of rules:

  • Trade log hack a neutral player Starbase until Hack skill 40
  • Planet log or Starbase log hack at a neutral Planet or Starbase from Hack skill 40

Watch your reputation

You will get a bounty from the faction whose pilot you are hacking if they detect you (they can detect you whether you fail or succeed in the hack – but the chance is much less if you are successful). These bounties lead to a -5 daily reputation loss against that faction until they are gone (either expiring or being collected by another pilot).

You will also get reputation loss each time you fail a hack based on the type of hack you were attempting. This could lead to you losing safety or even docking rights at a faction Planet.

The Pardus Manual has a detailed breakdown of reputation loss should you be interested in specifics.

It is a good idea to hack train at a player owned Starbase where you have been friended – and don’t hack your own faction if you can avoid it (you could eventually be kicked from your faction if your reputation drops too low).

Killing Inexperienced Pirates and Experienced Pirates as well as completing missions will improve your reputation (but distracts from training your Hack skill).

How long will it take?

Because you get diminishing returns as your Hack skill improves, it will take you longer to improve when you are higher skilled. The tables below give a good approximation of days.

Begin hacking using a Brute hack to give you more successful hacks (which mean better gains in your Hack skill).

Hack Skill
Hack Skill
Action Points
Days Hacking
10 15 11,321 2.9 *
15 20 22,043 5.7 *
20 25 36,336 6.3

* adjusted to account for Brute hack not being 100% success rate until Hack skill 20

If you like, switch to Skilled hack (now at 100% success rate).

Hack Skill
Hack Skill
Action Points
Days Hacking
25 30 54,200 9.4
30 35 75,636 13.1
35 40 100,643 17.5
40 45 129,221 22.4
45 50 161,371 28.0

If you like, switch to Freak hack (now at 100% success rate).

Hack Skill
Hack Skill
Action Points
Days Hacking
50 55 197,093 34.2
55 60 236,386 41.0
60 65 279,250 48.5
65 70 325,686 56.5
70 75 375,693 65.2
75 80 429,271 74.5
80 85 486,421 84.4
85 90 547,143 95.0
90 95 611,436 106.2
95 100 679,300 117.9

A Guide to Cloak Training

Cloaked SSC in EnergyYou may need to cloak your ship at some point (usually when you are ambushing an enemy).

The chance of successfully cloaking relies on only three things – your ship size, the resource type you are on and your Cloak skill.

  • you have a better chance to cloak in a small ship than a large ship
  • the easiest resource to cloak in is Energy
  • having a high Cloak skill will improve your chance of cloaking

This guide explores how you can increase your Cloak skill – preferably before you have taken ownership of a Mooncrusher!

Ways to improve Cloak skill

You can improve your Cloak skill by attempting to telerob another pilot without being noticed, or cloak your ship (via the Nav screen).

Telerobbing costs 50 APs and requires you wait 90 seconds before repeating. It would take almost 3 hours to use your daily 5,720 APs.

Cloaking costs 100 APs and has no waiting penalty before repeating. Even if you are not successful in a cloaking attempt, your Cloak skill will still improve a little (unfortunately this gain is minuscule compared to that gained when successfully cloaking).

Cloaking a ship is the fastest route, and this guide continues assuming you are going to be cloaking your ship.

How long does it take?

Assuming you are using an SSC in Energy, not doing anything else with your APs, and not using Drugs at all – then use this to guide you:

Cloak Skill
Cloak Skill
Days of
15 20 ~ 11
20 25 ~ 18
25 30 ~ 26

You can reduce the time through use of Drugs:

Cloak Skill
Cloak Skill
Days of
15 20 ~ 6
20 25 ~ 11
25 30 ~ 16

Without Drugs it would take about 55 days to go from 15 to 30 Cloak skill. Using up to 18t Drugs per day would cut this to about 33 days.

What do I need to do?

Change into the smallest ship you can – ideally a Shadow Stealth Craft (size 7) or Interceptor (size 8). Don’t invest in any weapons, armor or equipment. Then find a starbase built in Energy – and make sure you are safe from attack.

Press the Cloak button from the Nav screen – and once cloaked, press the Uncloak button. Repeat until you are out of APs… and then come back the next day and do it all again!

Why should I do this again?

If you end up in your “end game” ship, it will most probably be large in size. If you have low Cloak skill then you will have fewer successful cloaks. This could really hinder you if setting ambush – the enemy has a better chance to notice you setting.

When in a small ship = better chance to cloak = more successful cloaks = better gains per APs

Doing this task before you move into a large ship is the fastest and most AP efficient thing to do. You may consider the Cloak Boost Advanced Combat Skill if you are already in your large ship. Crew members can also help. But it will take a lot longer doing it this way.

A more detailed breakdown of AP costs (averaged gains for an SSC):

Cloak Skill
Cloak Skill
Action Points
15 16 9,500
16 17 10,300
17 18 12,000
18 19 13,300
19 20 15,300
20 21 16,500
21 22 18,400
22 23 19,700
23 24 22,000
24 25 23,700
25 26 25,600
26 27 27,400
27 28 29,900
28 29 32,200
29 30 34,000

Tastefully insert a selection of clocks into the navigation bar of the main screen showing times that various events happen in Pardus.

These are the same clocks that are available on our Pardus Clock page – but you decide what clocks to show and how they appear (instructions in the script comments).

Get the English language (default) version of this script:

Recent modifications introduced the ability to control the language used when the labels and clock messages are displayed. This can be configured by following instructions in the script comments – or you can just take one of the following pre-configured scripts:

Current language support is for English, German and French. Please contact me if you wish to provide other translations (and for any corrections).