Archive for July, 2011

Stripmining? Not In My Backyard!

Harvesting a little Energy from a tile once and a while isn’t going to bring the Universe to a stand-still. But at what point does taking “a little” become taking “too much”? At what stage do you cross the line from “Intrepid Adventurer” to “Evil Stripminer”?

The generally accepted line is drawn somewhere between 300 and 350 depending on where you are in the Universe. A good rule to go with is that if you take a tile to less than 300 – you have stepped over the line. There are always going to be emergencies where you mined a fuel tile to allow you make a mission run in time – but in reality these are rare.

A tile that has been mined to 350 will take 7 days to replenish to 500 again. A tile that has been mined to 300 will take 10 days.

Intrepid Adventurers never mine a tile that has less than 350 resources.
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Baglodorf put up an Alliance Message recently – encouraging traders to stock his buildings in Edvea by suggesting a nice trade route that he said would make a good profit.

I was in the sector and decided to see just how profitable his route would be. If nothing else it would allow me to see some of the local buildings whilst making some pocket change.

His route is marked on the map below – and I have marked the order that he suggested the buildings be traded in. I started from the Planet and took a direct line to the Asteroid mine and afterwards went directly from the Droid Assembly Complex back to the planet.

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The fully automated Cybernetics Station is located in the West Pardus Rim – close to the center of the universe in HO 2296 [5,1].

Inside are facilities that allow you to initiate construction of the delicate Neural Stimulator and the practical X-993 Repair Drone. To build these robots all you need are a handful of resources and a few credits.

Nobody knows where the Cybernetics Station came from, nor who is responsible for it’s arrival. Since appearing out of nowhere, nobody has been observed supplying it nor servicing it. It’s origins remain a mystery to this day.

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Drugs (aka Candy or Candles) allow a pilot to increase their current Action Points (APs) and are often all that stands between a failed or successful mission.

They are expensive – costing upwards of 16,000 credits per ton (or 30,000 credits if you buy them from the Black Market) but regardless of their status as illegal contraband, they are an integral part of the game and hard to ignore.
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